Description Glass jar filled with sand left at the 9/11 Memorial in memory of Maile Rachel Hale. Handwritten text on the top of the jar reads: "Malakahana | Beach, HI."
Historical Notes Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Maile Hale lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her interests ranged from chemistry and business to modern dance. Two years after she joined Boston Investor Services as an administrative assistant, she became the firm’s chief operating officer and vice president. On September 11, Maile was attending a technology conference on the North Tower’s 106th floor. She was 26 years old.
Curator's Comment Growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii, Maile Hale loved the beach. She and her sisters, Marilyce and Martha, would regularly go to their favorite beach, Mālaekahana, with their parents. In November 2001, the family held a memorial service for Maile there. Later, two of Maile’s friends gathered Mālaekahana beach sand in a jar and entrusted it to her sisters. On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the sisters placed the jar at the base of a tree on the 9/11 Memorial Plaza, nestling it among leis, photographs, and other tributes to Maile. HIDE