Photo credit: 9/11 Memorial staff
Accession Number: C.2013.1002.1
Dimensions: 3 in X 18 in X 27 in
Dimensions (Metric): 7.62 cm X 45.72 cm X 68.58 cm
Credit Line: Gift of Brandon J. Smith
Land's End-brand "Direct Market" black canvas crossbody carrying bag with shoulder strap. The bag shows signs of damage such as singe marks and fabric tears around the edges. The front bottom portion of the bag is stained with a gray mud-like substance. On the back upper-right corner of the bag is a small piece of newspaper singed and fused to the fabric.
Historical Notes
This crossbody carrying bag was worn by Brandon Smith when he was scalded by a fireball of jet fuel that had poured down the elevator shafts and exploded through the lobby just after Flight 11 pierced into the North Tower on the morning of September 11.